The Cobweb of Past

Hello all, its been weeks since I came up with my new post. First I was sick, and than my research, you see too much is going on in Marketing these days so I was caught up with it. Any ways I have been working on some of my creations lately and this is just the tip so stay tuned for some of the soul breaking posts of future. 

Hmmmm, here we are "the cobweb of the past", let me ask you all something, how many times you look at yourself in mirror? May be 2, 3 or may be you don't know. How many times in a day you say you are happy and you have a smile of your lifetime? may be once or may be never. Antagonized!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! don't be, I am just kidding or may be I am not. Well at times I do catch up with my mirror for comb but that's it, never after that. 

Lately I have been looking into it more seriously and something from inside just murmured to me ........cobwebs of the past. We all live for an era, for decades, celebrate our silver jubilees, may be golden jubilees lolzz but than none of us care for our past, a past which may be sweet or may be bitter. Something you never want to take any more or something which makes you nostalgic. In any case it's there within you, trotting withing you every day but who cares!!!!!!!!!!!!. 

Lets think about it till the time you are reading my post. Go back to your room get your mirror back and check yourself again, bury your smiles and kill your emotions for once and just observe. Ah, there you are, hey you have a gray hair somewhere in the savanna of your head. Oh my god there goes a wrinkle just below your eye lids. Holy shit there's a protruding race course of your life just on your forehead. What happened? You cannot take it anymore, check your eyes for once. Oh my god why are they lacking the spark of your childhood. Hmmmm, is the cobwebs of past filling your entire room now. 

Father, when I will grow up I will be a doctor, Hey mom I am going to be the fashion diva once I am 20, Grandpa I promise once I am grown up I will dedicate my life to poor, to those who need me. Knock Knock, there goes your iPhone buzzing. Its time to come back.

Well may be at first you do not agree with me, but just look at your past, what you were then and what you are now. Have you forgotten your promises of past, the words you sweared to your grandpa or is it like you have become more mean. No matter you are happy or sad, but you are a homo sapiens something which even god envy us for and yet we don't care about it. So take a deep breathe, let your iPhone buzz for more, take the mirror again and think again, you have a beautiful gift with you, something which you are looking at now, so let this beauty add to the hue of the life of others, you have a fragrance within you why not you let others to have your fragrance as well, you have carved a life for you why not you help others to do the same. You have a story to share why not share it with the ones who need it. 

Frankly speaking I may sound more spiritualistic, anti materialistic or may be a fool, but just imagine is it not that at times your are expressionless and yet you cannot find the reason for it? Is it not that you are happy still you may feel the warmth is missing.?

The essence of your cobwebs of past is that, one day your ever shining self will rotten up, one day your ever sharp brain will be a chunk of flesh, one day no more people will look for you, one day your money will be  just like a glass filled of water which you cannot drink but still there will be something which will still be with you, something who was with you always and will be there with you until you are on your deathbed, something whose lubdub faint sound still keeps you alive same as it was when you opened up your eyes and had the entire world around you, thats your heart. You see , its never bad to get nostalgic, its never bad to sink in the cobwebs of past, what's bad is your intolerance towards it, what's bad is will to not accept it. 

Remember your past gives birth to your present and present lets you into your future just like your grand parents without them you would have never been here, so love them the most, respect them the most because when your present and future fails its your past who rescues you so make it your companion. 

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